Benchmark Properties Interpolation Properties iPrincess Results QE Results
Name Status Difficulty Category L/R Ratio (%) #C #LC Dec. Time (ms) IS Time (ms) IS Time (ms)
check/bignum_lia1.pri unsat 0 check 40 6 1 666 18 76 2 77
check/bignum_lia1.pri unsat 0 check 50 6 2 666 18 54 2 12
check/bignum_lia1.pri unsat 0 check 60 6 3 666 18 56 2 29
check/bignum_lia1.pri unsat 0 check 70 6 4 666 12 32 2 26
check/bignum_lia1.pri unsat 0 check 80 6 6 666 1 23 1 100
check/int_incompleteness2.pri unsat 0 check 50 4 2 193 10 40 5 15
check/int_incompleteness3.pri unsat 0 check 40 4 2 181 1 28 1 114
Number of benchmarks: 7
Number of benchmarks on which iPrincess is faster: 3
Number of benchmarks on which iPrincess is at least 1 order of magnitude faster: 0
Number of benchmarks on which iPrincess yields smaller interpolants: 2
Number of benchmarks on which iPrincess yiels interpolants that are 1 order of magnitude smaller: 0
L/R Ratio: Ratio of the number of conjuncts on the left and on the right part of the formula
#C: Number of constants in the input formula
#LC: Number of local constants in the input formula (constants occuring in the left part of the formula only)
IS: Size of the generated interpolant (number of operators)
T/O: Timeout
O/M: Out of Memory